an opinion...

hola!! anyeong haseyo...

hmm...this is my personal opinion due to my observations...hehehe...

to get involved in any special relationship with the opposite gender is complicated...

when everything is great like in heaven, guys could be like the angels for the ladies...and the ladies would give everything in order to show how their loves...sigh~, for me it's called passion..almost all the teenagers and adults are going further from what has stated by God..(faham2 je la..) nauzubillahminzalik...

when there is something wrong happen...ngee~...the guys could be like the monsters..but not like in (the cartoons are cute!!)...ngeee~..they would do anything to stay away..and the ladies...sigh~...mengalahkan cm watak dlm Desperate Housewives...

so the conclusion is...

sruh ibu cari jek la...lepas kahwin br b'cinta...huhuhuhu...

x pun tunggu kim beom oppa masuk meminang..hahaha!! berangan~

ini hnyalah pndapat smata2...huhu...


... said…
betul pun. hhaha.. ian pun rase baik mintak mak ayah carikan je. mesti diorg carikan yg baik kan? n cinta lepas kahwin is the best type of all cinta! it last the longest normally! =D

wah, u r quite matured aren't u? hmm..

... said…
kim beom oppa yg mane satu cik adik oii? =P
Siti K said…
liana, jgn tertipu..
ana x matured lg!!~~
Anonymous said…
hehe..dgr tu hana.. ade kate u x matured.. ni mesti hana cam budak2 eh? hahahaha..
Nurfarhana said…
ala..kak ian...kak ct jeles la tu org dh matured..huhuhu...

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