makanan didahulukn, perut diutamakn~
makanan wajib yg diisytiharkan oleh kerajaan ibu:
- spirulina (4 energy)
- vitamin B Complex ( supplement n energy jugak~)
- kismis
- egg yolk
makanan yg diharamkan oleh kerajaan ibu :
- maggi
- jeruk n asam(klau nk mkn kena senyap2)
Korean cuisine~
dolsot bim bim bap
yummy2..semua sayur2 dlm tu fresh2,..
this one, can't remember the name la.. tp mee tu..hmm...sedap~ lembut~..sup tu...
and seaweed soup... sy mkn seminggu sblum birthday~ huhu..sepatutnya pd hr lahir..LOL
Gelato~aiskrim klasik Italy.. i like Belgium's choc flavor, yummy2... it costs about rm10 for the small cup..aisshh~ tp yg pnting...sedap!!
Hong Kong cuisine~
i can't remember the name..w/pun dh mkn 2 kali..LOL..rase die kuah die pekat n klau mkn byk2 then rase muak..
Western food??
yg ni x berapa minat sgt..the lamb chop or ape2 yg adik-beradik dgnnya coz makanan ni biasa jek..dunno why my lil sis likes it so much..
Japanese cuisine~
first mkn dgn kak ct, kak zahid n iqbal! kt Sushi King..
hmm..mknan jepun ni..ok jek..sbb x mcm korean cuisine..klau yg korea ade pedas2 jepun ok la..except its wasabi..i like this one..
baby octopus, mula2 tgk rase syg nk mkn..huhu..comel
~Thai cuisine
my family slalu pergi kat 1 restoran kt Kuantan..kalau x silap.. Sara's Thai Kitchen.. service die mmg superb! ade 2 part..1 yg biase then klau nk private ade 1 bhg lengkap dgn air-cond..
it's all about thai kalau tgk menu pun..kebynkannya dlm bahasa pelik2, so rajin2 la brtanya...n the tom yam..uish~ drpd yg warna putih smpai la yg merah2..
n the som fresh~
prnah skali tu sy makan 1 jenis mee..nama die pelik sbb dlm bhs rase mee tu penuh dgn herba or rempah i x lah pedas sgt tp menyengat..yummy, tp rasenye lebih sesuai kot utk org yg tgh berpantang~
Malay cuisine~
satu2 nye mknan yg sy suka.. udang masak merah yg ayah sy masak.
w/pun dh mkn byk udang masak merah kt tmpt lain..but my dad's is the best!
wktu sy bwk lauk tu ke dlm dorm, 1 dorm serang udang2 tu, smpaikn kulit2 pn ak sedar, rupanya ak ade bela piranha dlm dorm ni..bila ayah sy dtg melawat lg, diorg akn tnye sy bwk lg x udang tu..mmg betul la ak ade bela spesies piranha dlm dorm ni..
- spirulina (4 energy)
- vitamin B Complex ( supplement n energy jugak~)
- kismis
- egg yolk
makanan yg diharamkan oleh kerajaan ibu :
- maggi
- jeruk n asam(klau nk mkn kena senyap2)
Korean cuisine~

yummy2..semua sayur2 dlm tu fresh2,..

Gelato~aiskrim klasik Italy.. i like Belgium's choc flavor, yummy2... it costs about rm10 for the small cup..aisshh~ tp yg pnting...sedap!!

Western food??
yg ni x berapa minat sgt..the lamb chop or ape2 yg adik-beradik dgnnya coz makanan ni biasa jek..dunno why my lil sis likes it so much..
Japanese cuisine~
first mkn dgn kak ct, kak zahid n iqbal! kt Sushi King..

~Thai cuisine
my family slalu pergi kat 1 restoran kt Kuantan..kalau x silap.. Sara's Thai Kitchen.. service die mmg superb! ade 2 part..1 yg biase then klau nk private ade 1 bhg lengkap dgn air-cond..

n the som fresh~

Malay cuisine~
satu2 nye mknan yg sy suka.. udang masak merah yg ayah sy masak.
w/pun dh mkn byk udang masak merah kt tmpt lain..but my dad's is the best!
wktu sy bwk lauk tu ke dlm dorm, 1 dorm serang udang2 tu, smpaikn kulit2 pn ak sedar, rupanya ak ade bela piranha dlm dorm ni..bila ayah sy dtg melawat lg, diorg akn tnye sy bwk lg x udang tu..mmg betul la ak ade bela spesies piranha dlm dorm ni..

semlm ak tgk balek drama kte time f3...iiii.....i've got goosebumps!!hahaha...upload r video tu, ltk kt blog ko...haha...
ak tutup muka setiap kali tgk vid nak letak plak kt blog...uish...seram2..
did u eat these korean food?? u took the pics yrself? omo! I am so jealous of u ! I am a korean food lover tau! haha.. cos it's hot and spicy yet so delicious to my taste buds! hehe
i love jap food too especially miso soup and wasabi with the sashimi. yummy!
u eat thai food?? waaaaaaa... must bring me there one day.. i love tom yam kau kau pedas.. =D
ice cream 1 scoop rm10? "yg penting sedap" ... nope! I don't agree! haha.. it's a tad bit expensive la dearest.. don't use up our household money for yr taste buds benefit.. hehe.. *get the drift* =P
sayang u dear!
yup, my family loves thai food..huhu..hana boleh bawak kak ian tp kak ian bayar..LOL..haha!! no regret, coz its super delicious n affordable.. is expensive tp nak pengalamn jek..ngee~
hehe~ thanks 4 ur information..jgn risau, my mum mmg pandai control ape yg hana mkn...
loves u too!!
btw, u think it's possible for us to go makan at the thai restrant in kelantan? i suka tomyam sgt la..hehe
hana prgi yg kat mid valley tu..
the restaurant not in kelantan but in kuantan~ tom yam kt situ, pilih je nk yg mana..
love u .... :) mslhnya bila? dlm mimpi je la~
we go pahang tgthr.. by bus.. haha
spend time ngan madu.. haha
klau kak ct ade skali pn best gak..die dh la ddk kuantan, lg la tau jalan..boleh jd driver kite skali~