selepas interview (yg ngada2 nk cuba tu)~


bile den post psl nak gi interview, tup2..abg danial suggest sruh tanye En.Amir tu..uish~ tu ibratkan mcm menggali kubur utk diri sendiri..biar den survive sendiri~ hohoho..

yg plg ak leceh bile gi interview ni, ialah 'pakai high heels' siot jek~ nak x nak kena gak..hmm..yg prgi interview wktu tu, berbilang bangsa, kirenye cam 1 malaysia la, ade gak yg umur lain2, tapi yang kiteorg kenal ade budk MRSM n SEMSAH..huhu..interview ni secara berkumpulan, pandai2 la nk jd outstanding...

waktu menunggu, aish~ Allah je la yang tau betapa cuaknye rase smpai tangan berpeluh2 padahal duduk dkt dgn air-cond, yang 1 group ngan ak, sorg melayu n sorg indian..bile dia panggil masuk bilik..drama pun bermula~

calon first yg jadi sasaran, aku~ huhu...

first question, 'tell me about yourself and why you are here?'

*serapkan segala confident yg ade~ then, proses promote diri pn bermula...

huhu..wktu tu ak perasan sorg2, pandai tul ak buat muka x malu promote diri~ matured la konon~

*salah sorg judge tengah selak fail sijil~

ak je yang dapat soalan, 'u r very involved in school activities, tell me which activity that really contributes in yourself'
huhu~ tiba2 rase mcm debate..hahaha!! ak pun 'main mata' ngan judges..mcm kak ct ajar~

ade byk gak soalan tricky, contohnye dia tanye, 'have u been involved in any community service before? and whats are the effects or benefits u get?', hehehe~ yang plg ak ingat waktu f3, bersihkn kat kwsan kampung dekat2 dgn masjid..haha!! pandai2 la ak sedapkan cerita..ak rase pendapat yg ak bg ni pedas skit..tapi ak berjaya tarik prhatian judges..hehehe..

'im sorry to say this but this is my own personal opinion, the ministry doesn't reach the target yet as i still can see the poverty n bla..bla..bla..(mcm debate la konon) and it made me to have intention in myself that one day i would help them n bla..bla..bla..' bila fikir balik, uish, berani tul ak cakap cm tu, psl kerajaan plak tu..tapi, last2 ak cover la balik..

the conclusion is: its ok la..nasib baik judges tak psiko~


... said…
"biar den survive sendiri"

den tu ape?

anyway, sounds like u felt good about it. how come foundation studies has interview? is it for the college's scholarship?

Nurfarhana said…
dh agak dh kak ian msti x fhm part tu..LOL..'den' tu maknenye 'sy', tu loghat terengganu, i guess..

huhu..kak ian, tu privte pnyer la..sbb tu sy x minat..

... said…
hana x betulkan ian nye blog..haha.. xpe..take yr time.. tukar the whole template to a new one pun ian x kisah. as long as my comments are enabled again..haha..

merci !
Siti K said…
cik ana, "den" tu org negeri 9 pny loghat la..
mne de org trg gne den.. huhu..
btw, congrats..
brani gak bdk sorg ni ek.. hehe..
Nurfarhana said…
lor ye ke..

huhu..nmpak sgt x 1 malaysia..

sori kak ian, ajaran sesat~
Anonymous said…
haha.. hana gune template pyzam okay je bhgian commenting.. maybe I should start over a new blog.. then, wht happen to all my old postings? haha.. i cut paste all of them.. wht do u reckon? lol


ajaran sesat eh.. haish.. budak ni.. haha.. syg u la ! =P

shin woo oppa jin jja chu a hey! hahaha

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