
anyeong haseyo~

ngee~ this is one thing yang kadang2 sy x sedar, tp my parents dh sedar sejak kecik lagi...

*when i was a little kid..i did my best to get toys that i wanted.. termasuklah wat muke seposen, kept saying to my dad 'kan best kalau kakak dapat mainan tu~', wat2 rajin tolong buat keje umah, n gunakan result exam sbg umpan...huhu.. tapi bile dah dapat mainan tu, sy x jaga betul2 pn lepas tu.. then my parents complained,

'kamu ni, lepas dh dapat tu letak sepah2 jek, x sayang langsung pd mainan tu cuba letak elok2'

bila sy dh besar pun, i think 'perangai cam mangkuk' ni still stick with me...sengal~ i don't know how to avoid it sbb kadang2 sy x sedar pun..

and rhe consequences...hehehe~ i lost 2 of the most important persons in my life..klau nak patah balik pun, dh terlambat..bukan semua perkara boleh dibetulkan..

one of those are my best friend, we used to be like 'isi dgn kuku', satu kelas sejak darjah 2 smpai f2, she like my sis, but i think its my fault to let the problems be the influential and become the reason to separate us apart..

the other one is my ________...hehehe...can't tell directly. certain people would know, the clue is here~ (windstruck piano piece, sbb dia prnah send lagu ni kat sy)..i don't know valuable he is until i lost him..hahaha!! not like the mushy lovey dovey la..he meant the world to me (betul ke phrase ni)..he might not be as handsome as the models adorning Armani, tapi all those values yg dia ajar sy secara x sedar and sifat peribadi die~. LOL..i can't describe him with words la..i feel so dumb that i don't know how and i can't tell him that really appreciate his presence...ngee~ peace~

moral value: Setiap apa yang terjadi pasti ada hikmahnya, tapi yang pasti kita sebagai hamba Allah hndaklah bersyukur dgn setiap yg dikurniakan..


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