no tittle


Siapa ingat Azfar?! my little cousin.ok, aku takkan ulang ayat.. 'nasib baik tak tambah lagi satu nama kat depan tu, kalau tak mengigau aku', nanti ade orang histeria 2 kali.. LOL!
Baru chat dengan Acu, Acu kata Azfar kena chicken pox, tapi Azfar tak macam orang sakit pun. LOL! Disebabkan lutut dia tumbuh blisters, so dia merangkak macam orang pumping. LOL!*patut ke aku gelakkan orang sakit? Tak guna punyer budak medic.

no matter kot, kalau perangai Azfar comel..sebab ummi nye pun kelakar.. *kalau dah kembang tu, cepat-cepat la kempis balik acu*. Kan baru belajar Psychology Development, trust me perangai kanak-kanak memang kelakar especially when they try to attract your attention. Acu tanya, untuk umur macam Azfar macam mana. Bila nampak objek baru, they will use all the senses, melihat, menyentuh, bau, dengar dan rasa. Sebab tu la, kalau ambik object yang dia dah masuk mulut, mula lah merenget macam dugong terdampar kat pantai *I'm talking bout my brothers, huh!* merenget sebab, kalau kita ambik, diibaratkan kita halang dia nak 'kaji' object tu la. Maka keluar la citer...

'oo..patut la Azfar jilat tapak kasut' LOL!! hahaha!! Azfar! kenapa mesti tapak kasut?!

'Azfar kejar bayang-bayang dia sendiri, nasib baik tak langgar dinding'

'Hari tu, Azfar terpegang iron, nangis kejap, lepas tu membebel' LOL!

'Dia merangkak masuk bawah kerusi, terhantuk kat dinding..lepastu kamu nak tau dia buat ape? Dia membebel kat dinding & kerusi tu'

Haha! Tak tau pulak kanak-kanak boleh membebel..

Main satu piano dalam satu bilik, kadang-kadang terasa macam 'I rule this world, yeah!'. Ade baiknya kelas ni kot, takkan rasa diri dibanding-bandingkan which is satu 'adat' yang dah bermula sejak kecik, dalam psikologi tu membuatkan kanak-kanak stress kot. Bila dibanding-bandingkan I always at the bottom. Dalam kelas piano, apa yang aku kena buat ialah fokus untuk tingkatkan skill. Dan mungkin membuatkan sedikit confident..thanks to my teacher! =D

The latest music sheet yang dapat ialah

*saje letak video, supaya entry tak nampak bosan walaupun secara nyata ya, LOL! my version is the simplest one, bukan yang ni. Ni hiasan semata-mata

Awalnya, aku main lagu ni macam hampeh..tak boleh nak synchronize metronome dengan music note. Dan..practise..dan practise..dan practise.. Guess what? the next class...

'It was very impressive!! You're tapping, you play the right notes with right skill. Tell me, what is your secret? Now, I see a new Nur, you are a different person.' hehe..dah tak payah nak mengembangkan diri nanti macam masuk troli tolak sendiri.

Tapi tu sekejap je, then dia suruh aku dengar lagu 'The winner takes it all' by ABBA berulang-ulang kali dan main kat piano WITHOUT looking at the music sheet. Tak, bukan suruh hafal music sheet piano by ear... bagi hanya orang-orang yang terpilih je yang ade bakat play by ear tapi dia kata tu sesuatu yang boleh develop.

'I don't want you to be like a machine. Too dependent on music notes is not so good. I know you need to learn reading notes and all but I want you to learn making music. You need to make it alive *sambil tunjuk pada piano* it's not just something which is made of wood..and blablabla'
ape yang dia cakap tu....soooo true! bila dia bagi piece yang ala-ala classical music, aku boleh main tanpa salah pun feeling. Of course la akan kedengaran macam machine. Tapi kalau cikgu aku main..WOW!

Tapi macam aku cakap, play by ear ni bukan semua orang boleh buat..maka, terkeluarlah balik 'inferiority complex' aku. *hiperbola je ok.

'I don't think I can do it'


'What if I make mistake?'

'You need to try something new and make mistake, that is learning'

'I don't think I'm good enough'

'Because you said so, what make you think that way?'

'Lots of people out there are much better than me'

'In what thing?'


'Look, studies is only a tiny little part of your whole life. You study and you'll finish it. Your life is about you, you shouldn't be influenced by other people. For me, you are someone who can do things. Last week, I was thinking how can I make it easier for you but just now you proved that you can do it. Any teacher will be impressed to see such a great improvement. Remember, whenever there's a will, there's a way'

'What if I can't do it?'

'Nur, any human will not progress until he try something new and fail. Go, make A LOT OF MISTAKES, say to yourself ' I will!'

The rhythm was in my mind, hanya perlu hit the right keys. Mula-mula memang tak yakin, tersekat-sekat dan I DID LOTS OF MISTAKES tapi seronok! =D tak payah tengok notes.

'It's fun isn't it?'

Tu la, yang cikgu aku maksudkan 'making music'

Tapi betul ke ape yang dia I'm a person who can do things? Eh?

p/s: Jangan pedulikan grammar gua yang berterabur...


... said…
salam hana,

can you please kindly email me the sheet music to this song? I love it too!

jzkk in advance my dear.. btw, you started playing and taking piano lessons? mabruk! may you be consistent in it!! Don't give up when things seem to get so difficult to grasp. *speaking from experience* hehe..

lots of love fillah,
K. Liana
... said…
true.. kak liana pun x pandai main guna music notes.. guna music notes biasanya hampeh sbb x pandai baca cepat.. sgt lembap mcm siput. hehe.. play by ear much faster.. tp kak liana xdelah terer pun by ear. haha.. ^^
Nurfarhana said…
w'slm..kak liana!!!!! miss u A LOT!

=D kak liana nak music sheet ni..segan la..LOL!

Hahaha..i'm still a beginner meyh, tak boleh lawan kak liana..u play by ear..*amazed* SIFU!!! =d
you are currently taking piano lessons? waaaaaaaaaaahh! jeles!!!

btw, all the best! ^^
teruskan usaha anda!
can't wait to see your next progress. :)

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