hadiah untuk syida

give me the drum beat please......

proudly present!!! SMILEY SYIDA!!!!!!!!!!
ak tak nak beli hadiah ladies kat ko....sebab ko bukan lady..*mesti ko cakap 'abis tu ak ni ape?'* gambar2 ni, yang ko tangkap sendiri ketika 'mendera' ipod ak..poh! mase ak tengok balik ni aku fikir..' syida ni sihat ke x?', at last i came out with this idea....

how? sebab ko sangat peerrriiiiaaangggggg....sebab tu takde sad smiley~ so, keep it up!! smiley ni ko tak boleh guna kat YM, Facebook or kat mana2...*eceh!* coz i made it specially for you~ from your lovely, cutest lil sis eva! *balik kelas al-quran nanti belanja hot chocolate eh?*


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