progrm pndedahan kerjaya seorg doktr: day 2..SURGERY!!

anyeong haseyo~

ngee~ its not the best department sbnrnye..sbb surgery kan melibatkan bhg x byk bnda yg extreme yg kiteorg dpt observe..tapi ade 1 patient yg mmg teruk keadaan die..n he is still young..pity~

he is 27 years old..dulu he was working in the ship in singapore..kirenye mmg gempak la gajinye..if its not because of the accident, he would get married this june..tapi disebabkan accident tu..die dpt pendarahan teruk dlm otak..dan sebahagian tengkorak kepalanye mmg dh dikeluarkan utk kluarkn pndarahan otak, n die hidup skrg tanpa sbhgian sense die pn x brape bgs..

unfortunately, he's living like a baby, die prlukan tiub utk makan..n bantuan ade 1 lubang yg dibuat pd trachea die..n ade sekali tu, die trsedak n terbatuk2 sbb ade kahak n lendir. n nurse tu trpaksa sedut lendir n kahak tu kluar.

.during the procedure, he was coughing badly..n lendir2 n kahak tu kluar mcm letusan gunung berapi..menyembur2..unfortunately, the patient is my groupmate's cousin..wwoo~ she was standing close to him n kna tempias jugak..but what she cares was only to give support to his cousin..


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