progrm pndedahan kerjaya seorg doktr: day 5..ORTHOPAEDIC!

anyeong haseyo~

orthopaedic is fun!! n dpt jumpa abg2 n kakak2 yg amik medic kt UIA..

at first mmg letih sssaaaannnnggggaaaatttt!! sbb sblum tu ak ikut doc wat on-call dr 8 mlm smpai 6 pg..tido kt umah x smpai sejam n terus bersiap prgi hosptl semula..penat sgt...blum lg 36 house..

1st of all, observe students ni wat presentation dpn speacialist (they hav to clerk da patient first, discuss what the disease is n find the management)..diorg gubra..pastu ikut specialist wat round..

hohoho..ngeri pn ade..sbb kbnyBoldakan kaki cedera smpai nmpk tulang, n berdarah..kna rendam dlm ubat spjg masa..ade yg kena penyakit kusta yg sgt keeps bleeding n kusta tu dh nmpak mcm bunga kubis, n ade darah, he can't walk..unfortunately, the patient is my former classmate's grandpa..

n pelajar UIA kongsi pngalamn jd medical actually to study medicine in malaysia is much better coz they start to do practical in year 3 n they r more adapted to the condition of patients in malaysia easily..brbanding medical stud kt overseas..lps tu diorg bwk kiteorg gi klinik pakar ortho..

i got to see Dr.Ranjit!! (the most charming doc) punjabi act..but handsome..ak prgi ke bhg plaster..semua ade..gergaji, playar n so on..semuanya utk bukak simen utk plaster..ade babies, they r so cute.. tp kesian sbb kecik2 dh kna rwatan cm tu..

n ak blaja cm ne nk jahit luka!! yay! ade lg 1 doc hensem...semua doc yg bg opportunityn borak2 ngan diorg...hehhehehe!!!!!


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