progrm pndedahan kerjaya seorg doktr: day 3, O&G

anyeong haseyo~
to be frank, O&G department is the best one coz i love babies!! they r so cute! kiteorg dtg awal, so dpt tgk nurse mandikn semua, ade yg x brhenti2 nangis..and it was so beautiful to watch them yawning n waking up from cute!!
n dlm 1 bilik yg, semua babies brkumpul utk dimandikn..its just like a singing competition..woo~ the loudest one was the winner..n one of my fren pointed to the baby, 'that one is going to be a singer' LOL..Malaysian Idol for baby~
Matron Salmah (jwtn nurse plg tinggi) gave a looonnnggg talk, tp memang bermanfaat.. ade wad yg khas utk wanita yg kegugurn atau ade mslh nk, that one, mmg x berani nk interview patient sbb diorg dikategorikn sbg sgt sensitif..wuuu~
the best part is in the LABOUR ROOM!!! hahaha!! tengok org bersalin scra normal, LIVE! doc tu plak LELAKI! hahaha! baby tu pn mcm kluar x kluar je sbb die besar, n tgk nurse uruskn baby, still ade darah pd rmbut baby tu..
n main2 ngan sorg baby yg kena vacuum semasa dilahirkan..ngee~ kepala die pn pelik..LOL..but baby tu mmg friendly giler..he kept watching at us x nangis pun, n his skin was so soft, n dia suka main2 ngan lidah dier..hahaha!! nimrad ( punjabi n she's pretty) said, 'that one is going to be a good kisser'..LOL..
hahaha!! the cutest view i've ever seen..sebelah baby laki tu, ade plak baby prmpuan yg br lahir, n the baby boy kept watching to the newborn baby girl..kiteorg pn kata..'wwooo~ br lahir lahir dah gatal'..ngee~ ting tong nyer group la..