sape sy?

The witch..... hmm.... di mne bdk2 sek ak dlu takut ngn ak sbb ak the witch dlm ni xde la truk sgt...
My fren said...'Ana, perangai ko sebijik cm watak ni'
the cinderella's stepsister--korean drama..... hey, dat doesnt mean ak ni jahat cm stepsister k... A cynical and cold young woman. Eun Jo is good at
hiding her emotions and does not get attached to people easily.
.......I take it as a compliment.... =P

kwn ak prnh ckp... 'ana, ko akn tunjukkn reaksi, bler ad sesuatu yg x menyenangkn...' cthnya klau ad org buat hal la..

prinsip pertama... 'Bler ad org buat sumthing yg x kena, show it...supaya org tu sedar ape yg dia buat'.... it sounds offensive ... mmg ya, lbh baik terus-terg kt dpn drpd simpan belakang...yup!, bnda ni nmpak cm terlebih berani...

t'ingat mase ak bntah arahan Koperal, yg real pnyer polis mse prkhemahan kadet polis..dgn muka selamba badak ak sembur...' itu bukan hak tuan..' nsib baik, mase tu dy juz nak uji ak jek...

be firm to your principle...its good...ngeh~

perlu ke kte tunjukkn dpn org yg kita sedih? biler sy kate..'x perlu..' then org akn ckp... 'ego'...mungkin...

n 1 lg prob, ak sush nk brgaul ngn org...n besenya org yg dtg brkenalan ngn ak...i dunno y..n hanya org yg dekat je tau, 'nurfarhana abu bakar' tu siapa

n minx dijauhkan org2 yg annoying...spya ak xkn condemn dy....sbb sekali ak buat....sigh~~ its not good skrg ni....haiyo, Allah je la fhm...

its hard.....mmg la, tp insyaAllah ak akn pegang title 'Dr', its not good kn utk ade perangai cm ni.....


... said…
cite witch tu best kot..the lead heroine so pretty!!!

and eun jo is a very independent and strong woman; mentally and emotionally! dahlah pandai, hardworking, garang, cold, sayang tp x tunjuk,etc..mmg mantaplah dia ni..

she acted in my little bride too. completely different character tp dua2 lakon ngan perfect! mmg actress terbaiklah!!=))

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