I miss my babies...
if other ladies use the term for their handbags, lip gloss, n blablabla...i use the term for my books!!
Parents ak prnh tanya.....'Nak poskn perencah or ape2 ke...seng skit nk masak kt sna....' n
I said 'No, thanks'
tp dlm hati ak...nak je ckp... 'tolong poskan buku Paulo Coelho, n Cecilia Ahern tu!!!..(sbb x smpat nk bc )
Alhamdulillah, smpat bwk Twenties Girl, n pinjam buku 'The Last Lecture' dr syakiey.. =D mmg rugi sape yg x bc tu..
n ak rela habiskan 55.00 L.E juz for Dan Brown-The Da Vinc
i Code... *boleh beli bj kt Terranova kot...tp relevan la kn.... tu antara novel plg popular kot...cme ak je br nk bc...n mmg nak sgt tahu, ape yg best sgt psl novel tu...
cme..... 1 prob....
i choose novels n biography rather than facts....is dat normal? btw, its still bout passion of reading kn...*saje nk sedapkan hati*
my fren, mahvin said...yg plg pntg..readg is a passion kn..xle pakse
as we grow up we'll see our genres of books
pn akn brubh...
talking bout passion...hahaha!! ak mmg gler shopping, tp...klau msuk kedai MPH, korg tinggalkn ak kt situ 2 jam pn x kish n I can spend hundreds juz for books, of coz la bkn academic kn.....n sape2 yg teman ak shopping ak merungut...'come on la, takkan kt sini pn nk jmpa buku jgk'...*minx2 la my husband-to-be blh teman kt MPH for hours...ceyt! x blh bla ayat
hmm...x kish la apa genre pn, smuanya ade kebaik
n...walaupun komik!! so, brbalik smula pd genre novels n biography...
mcm mne kte nk tau prbezaan pemikiran lelaki n prmpuan...novels pn blh m'bantu..*kak liana!! sbb ni la hana blh tlg kak liana aritu*..cara Paulo Coelho n Cecilia Ahern/stephenie meyer/meg cabot mengarang sgt brbeza...n jln citer yg sgt kontra...sbb msing2 ade pndgn yg brbeza...so, novels xde la teruk sgt..n novel sbnrnye blh bg kte experiences..so, bler kte hadapi prkara yg sama dlm realiti, kte tahu ape yg kte
blh buat...
biography......waaah!!! its interesting w/pun minat ni b
r mula...setakat ni..Think big n kick ass-Donald Trump, The Last Lecture-Randy Pausch, Barack Obama (skit je la)..n plg ak nk sgt...OPRAH WINFREY!!!!! wish i could hav it..w/pun buku tu setebal bantal tdo..

ak xde la bookworm sgt....sbb prnh jmpa org yg lg 'dasy
at' yg blh buat heavy reading..*take it as a compliment k..
tp...say BIG NO NO!! to novel melayu yg jiwang2 tu..*no offence...sbb trSANGAT la bohsan!! except to 1515-faisal tehrani !!! thanks to a___ for da present... best gler!

p/s: ade 1 prob, di mana ak x serajin ni bler jmpa buku akademik..sigh~~