After all those dramas.... yang memang tak boleh cerita kat sini. Pagi-pagi bukak facebook nampak gambar yang kak Add edit (sometimes we call her kak tambah)... buat orang tergelak sorang-sorang depan lappy. I use the captions made by kak Add. kekalkan originality, mengarut-ngarut kat bawah tu gua punyer keje.
sometimes we attend Isoc's dinner |
sometimes we celebrate our birthdays abroad
That's me!! Bertuah la kan birthday jatuh pada winter break |
It's called bench-freestyle. Happens only in the presence of bench |
Yes, bench madness |
We do the same anywhere we go..kurrkurrkurr.sesungguhnya diriku amat terhibur dengan aksi kanak2 ribena ini |
National Museum of Scotland memang best, serious. tak cukup kaki nak jalan. Tapi mengenangkan diri cepat bosan dengan perkataan 'Sejarah'..hmm...boleh la, well at least aku khatam pasal geography macam mana tanah Scotland terbentuk, ok la kan.
caught red-handed |
Me, Tasneem, Maher, Syida buat ape-ape je pose yang giler-giler tapi Kak Add dan Abang Yahya berjaya membuatkan gambar-gambar nampak less giler.
The original lense flare and sun ray in Edinburgh, Scotland |
Nak jerit, nak jerit.. NAK PERGI EDINBURGH LAGI ! untung la siapa duduk Scotland~
May Allah showers everyone of you with His bless, Always |
2 perkara yang kteorang selalu kejar tiap-tiap hari, 'Sunrise' dan 'Sunset'
Always, we prostrate to The One and Only. He who given us the chance to explore, given us the chance to know each other |
Mysterious man with camera. Keep snapping all around |
Nampak tak effort Abang Yahya.
Sometimes we keep lost, lost, lost and lost in the midst of strangers |
That's why we called her 'Little red ridding hood'
Kak Add & Abang Yahya memang hebat melayan kerenah 4 kanak-kanak ribena dan 3 musketeers. THANK YOU~