ter tulis...

Salam....selepas blog bersarang dan di private kan atas sebab-sebab tertentu..

*buku pelvis atas katil, embryology kat atas lantai, atas meja jangan cakap la*

Orang bertanya.'kenapa tak boleh bukak blog dah?'
jawapannya.. 'ade la sebab-sebab tertentu'

oh, Hi stalkers~

Dan sekarang tiba-tiba bukak semula, tengah-tengah musim exam ni la nak menulis.

Menulis atas sebab mungkin mencari ruang untuk bercerita, you know musim exam means semua orang berhibernasi dalam gua masing-masing. Malas nak kacau orang, besides tak semua boleh jadi pendengar yang baik *no offence* sometimes rasa cuma nak berborak dengan sesiapa anyone can be supaya boleh ringankan rasa beban. Nope, tempat mengadu pertama..Allah, then after that baru cari orang lain. Like I said before, tak semua orang adalah pendengar yang baik tapi berbisik dalam hati pun.. He knows..

People do judge, everything is like a competition, who is the winner and who is the loser. That's life. Your grade reflects your effort eh?

'The world ain't all sunshine & rainbow, it's a very mean and nasty place, and I don't care how tough you are, it will beat you down to your knees and keep you there if you let it. but it ain't about how hard you hit, its about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward, how much you can take and keep moving forward, That's how winning is done! If you're know what you're worth go and get what you're worth. But you're gonna willing to take the hits and not pointing finger saying you ain't where you want because of him, her or anybody, Cowards do that and that ain't you! You're better than that!' -Rocky Balboa-

Most students, bile stress akan call parents, but I won't.. no need to mention the reasons.

Kadang-kadang, cuba distract diri supaya boleh ignore stress tu, tapi berapa lama boleh tahan?
Listening to music and turn the volume up full blast? haha! I wish I was Santana, Sebastian is kinda hot kan. *so typical~

Tapi lagu akan habis dalam 3 min. ok, Mozart- Adiago, Violin concerto No.5 habis dalam 11 min.
Walaupun bad things happen, tapi setiap benda di sekeliling tetap berjalan seperti biasa. Kumpulkan kekuatan, dan hadapinya..FACE IT!


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