Please stay away~

well, this post mungkin related dengan post sebelum ni kot.....dalam kategori friendship lagi. Oh tak, mungkin makna friendship tu akan hilang. This is what friendship means to me: Kawan yang akan sentiasa ada waktu susah & senang. Going through thick & thin Respect each other. Privacy...sensitivity... Helping each other, bukan selfish Takkan lupakan kawan. Ade skali tu tengah bad mood sebab ade problem. Aku text message kat kawan yang cuba nak hilangkan bad mood tu. Tapi ye lah kan, hormone tetap menang. 'Sorry, I appreciate your concern and you do keep in touch dengan aku. But I'm not in good mood. Later, when I'm ok, I'll text you ya. Sorry' Kawan aku reply , 'Ok ok. know, once i make friends with someone..It's not easy for me to forget them. I really appreciate my friends. and that's the most important thing that you have to know about me..ok, text me when you have some free time k' *at least dia keep in touch walaupun just tan...