Budget hacks

Hola, So, I'm in 33 weeks of pregnancy. Bye 2nd trimester, hi 3rd trimester. Ya tuhan, mengah nye 3rd trimester ni tuhan je la yang faham. Cepat penat, heartburn, kaki bengkak, nak tido tak selesa and the list goes on. I miss the 2nd trimester glow, energetic, perut tak besar lagi, appetite bertambah. Sekarang nak makan banyak pun tak boleh sebab senang heartburn. And yes, still unemployed. Lama lagi la nak masuk HO nampak gayanya and bila ade single income je dalam rumah, kena la cheap in here cheap in there, but I need to know how. And I found this website! https://ringgitohringgit.com/ Paling suka sebab applicable kat Malaysia. Since kalau Google / Youtube / bukak Pinterest macam mana nak berjimat, keluar ler tips omputeh, mana la nak applicable kalau harga barang tak sama, supermarket pun berbeza-beza, barang pun lain-lain. Satu perkara yang perasan, how big difference it can make kalau tak order air fancy bila makan kat luar. In fact, contohnya air most favourite se...